01 janvier 2000

Ivry sur Seine


Thèmes de recherche

Economie de la consommation, Economie expérimentale, Relations Verticales et circuits de commercialisation


Mai 2006 : Doctorat en Sciences Economique, Université Paris II, Panthéon-Assas.

"Economie de la consommation et stratégies industrielles : contributions théoriques et applications au secteur agro-alimentaire" sous la direction d'Eric Giraud-Héraud.

Mention très honorable avec félicitations, prix de thèse de l'université.

Publications et Communications

Allais, O., Bazoche, P., Teyssier, S. (2017). Getting more people on the stairs: The impact of point-of-decision prompts. Social Science and Medicine, 192, 18-27.

Barlagne, C., Bazoche, P., Thomas, A., Ozier-Lafontaine, H., Causeret, F., Blazy, J.-M. (2015). Promoting local foods in small island states: The role of information policies. Food Policy, 57, 62-72.
Bazoche, P., Combris, P., Giraud-Heraud, E., Seabra Pinto, A., Bunte, F., Tsakiridou, E. (2014). Willingness to pay for pesticide reduction in the EU: nothing but organic. European Review of Agricultural Economics, 41 (1), 87-109.

Bazoche, P., Combris, P., Giraud-Heraud, E., Seabra Pinto, A., Bunte, F., Tsakiridou, E. (2013).,
Willingness to pay for pesticide reduction in the EU: nothing but organic?, European Review of Agricultural Economics, Advance Access, 1-23. DOI : 10.1093/erae/jbt011

Tsakiridou, E.; Mattas, K.; Bazoche, P., 2012. Consumers' response on the labels of fresh fruits and related implications on pesticide use., Food Economics, First on line: 1-6.

Bazoche, P.; Combris, P.; Giraud-Héraud, E.; Traversac, J.B., 2012. Willingness to Pay for Appellation of Origin: Results of an Experiment with Pinot Noir Wines in France and Germany. In: Giraud-Héraud, E.; Pichery, M.C.E., eds. Wine Econometrics. Palgrave MC Millan.

Tsakiridou, E.; Mattas, K.; Bazoche, P., 2012. Consumers' response on the labels of fresh fruits and related implications on pesticide use. Food Economics, First on line: 1-6.

Combris, P.; Bazoche, P.; Giraud-Héraud, E.; Issanchou, S., 2009. Food choices: what do we learn from combining sensory and economic experiments? Food Quality and Preference, 20 (8): 550-557.

Bazoche, P.; Cartolaro, P.; Delhomme, B.; Deliere, L.; Goutouly, J.P.; Léger, B.; Leroy, P.; Naud, O.; Soler, L.G.; Ugaglia, A., 2008. Réduire les pesticides utilisés en viticulture : à quel prix ? Revue des Oenologues, (129 S): 71-75.


Bazoche, P. (2017). Sustainable wine choice. In: Reference Module in Food Science. New York, USA : Elsevier Science inc

Bazoche, P., Combris, P., Giraud-Heraud, E., Traversac, J. B. (2013). Willingness to pay for Appellation of Origin: Results of an experiment with Pinot Noir wines in France and Germany. In: Marie-Claude Pichery, Eric Giraud-Héraud. Wine Economics. Quantitative Studies and Empirical Applications (p. 129-146). Applied Econometrics Association Series. USA: Palgrave MacMillan. 392 p

Communications depuis 2011

Evaluating consumers' sustainable choice of wine: A virtual shop experiment, Bazoche, Pascale; Issanchou, Sylvie; Brouard Joëlle; Maratray, Jacques; Ginon, Emilie, Presentation at the EAAE-AAEA Joint Seminar, “Consumer Behavior in a Changing World: Food, Culture, Society”, Naples, March 2015.

How to increase the demand to ensure the sustainability of a tropical sector?, Barlagne, C., Bazoche, P., Diman, J.-L., Blazy, J.-M. (2013)., Presented at 134.EAAE Seminar Labels on sustainability: an issue for consumers, producers, policy makers, and NGOs , Paris (2013-03-21 - 2013-03-22)

Evaluating consumers' sustainable choice of wine: A store experiment, Ginon, E., Bazoche, P., Esteves Dos Santos Laboissiere, L. H., Brouard, J., Issanchou, S. (2013), Presented at 10. Pangborn sensory science symposium, Rio de Janeiro, BRA (2013-08-11 - 2013-08-15).

Bazoche, P.; Chambolle, C.; Schlippenbach, V., 2012. Buyer power and category captainship. EARIE 2012. Rome (Italie: 2012/09/02-04).

Bazoche, P.; Bunte, F.; Combris, P.; Giraud-Héraud, E.; Seabra-Pinto, A.; Tsakiridou, E., 2012. Willingness to pay for pesticides' reduction in European union: nothing but organic?, 129th EAAE Seminar, IV Workshop on Valuation methods, Barcelona-Spain.

Bazoche, P. Salon International de l’Agriculture, 2012, Informations environnementales et comportements d’achat des consommateurs, dans le cadre des rencontres Affichage Environnemental des produits alimentaires, Paris (FRA). 2012.

Bazoche, P., 2011. Preferences of wine consumers: the contribution of experimental economics. Avancées en perception sensorielles du vin. Nouvelles connaissances et leurs applications. Paris (FRA). 2011/03/11, 46.

Documents de travail

Bazoche, P.; Bunte, F.; Combris, P.; Giraud-Héraud, E.; Seabra-Pinto, A.; Tsakiridou, E., 2012. Willingness to pay for pesticides' reduction in European union: nothing but organic? : (Aliss Working Paper N°2012-01).

Bazoche, P.; Combris, P.; Giraud-Héraud, E., 2009. Willingness to pay for appellation of origin: results of an experiment with pinot noir wines in France and Germany. (Aliss Working Paper N°2009-02)

Participation à des projets de recherche

APINFO (2013-2015)

VINPEST (2010-2014)

Projet Européen TEAMPEST (2008-2011)

Projet ANR ALIMINFO (2008-2011)

Projet ANR MPinVRM (2008-2010)

Projet ADD-VIN (2005-2008)


Documents à télécharger

Date de création : 03 juillet 2023